This is a game about making XOR patterns for a recent game jam. This game was made in 36 hours using only a single tilesheet. The music is a mosaic of different CC0 sounds from mashed together. The connection to the theme (pun intended) is that you are connecting different patterns together to form "mega patterns" in your pattern factory.

In addition to the "Single Pack" rule, this game also followed a few of the other "Bonus Challenges" including:

  • No Text
  • Mouse Only
  • Symmetry

In my never-ending (and ill-advised) quest to not use a game engine, all of the code was written from scratch in Javascript using P5.js. You can find a link to the source code and files on my github here.

The most difficult part of this game was actually dealing with all of the overlapping graphics buffer layers. Most of the textures draw to offscreen buffers to allow for fancy effects like the repeating background and seamless "slide" animations. Consequently I can't guarantee good performance on slower devices.

The other hardest part was getting the game to be responsive to different aspect ratios and screen resolutions. Although I'm decently happy with my solution, the selection code ended up being a nightmare and I had to scrap it and go with the old "id selection buffer" trick to query the click events. Unfortunately that will probably make it even slower on slow devices (sorry if that's you).

Thanks for reading and playing! If you liked it, drop a comment and let me know what you liked! Same if you didn't!

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